Monday, October 17, 2005

What say you now?!

It's no secret that I like to stir things up to encourage discussion; I've been called narrow-minded and opinionated and a few other more colorful names, but I like to think that I at least open the floor for a debate.
To that end, I post this today, lets debate.
Discrimination, in any form is unacceptable, whether it's perpetuated via ignorance, or with a desire to take advantage of a situation.
The CBC news article linked below relates to a desire for tax relief based on a discrimination argument.
Take a moment to read the article...
OK, now lets fix the discriminiation argument, lets remove all tax breaks for medical treatments...there will be no discrimination then!
What say you now?!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I say flat tax no matter how much you make 15% is taxed. But you must include the whores and dealers. Then and only then will you run a profit.