Tuesday, July 11, 2006

.86 cents!

For those who don’t know, I am a “townie”! That is, by definition, from the right side of the overpass, (sorry, had to be said!)!

It should also be no secret that I much prefer city living over small town life, (currently I’m in the nation’s capitol, and it’s great here!). That said, small towns do have a certain something not found in the larger centers, a certain naivety that it both comforting and amusing.

For example, a short time ago, I took up a residence in a small community of maybe 200 persons, (I am sure I will be corrected on this). Here, we were all kind of friends, and, I believe sort of looked out for each other, (but certainly the girl next door’s gardening was…entertaining - see "I know, it's been a while..."). There were no town taxes here, certainly, it wasn’t officially a town. I worked in a nearby town, where, unfortunately I was billed the town taxation.

It wasn’t a large sum, but it had to be paid. I sent in my cheque and promptly forgot all about it, (ok, so I did bitch about having to pay it).

A little later I received another correspondence from the town office; it seems I was owed a small amount of change, .86 cents to be exact, and there it was - taped to a copy of the account statement were 3 quarters, a dime and a penny!

I’ve kept the statement and “payment” – I hope to someday meet the clerk.

That’s my story and I am sticking to it!

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